Exaggerated Fear

Source: In These Times Magazine
From human rights to the environment to politics to daily news that´s just downright bizarre. Everything outrageous that´s fit to print is printed on La Justa Pulp.
I always thought that spin was reserved for the Bush Administration and conservative talk show hosts (please, please, please, please read Al Franken’s book Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them), but a lecture by Kerry O’Brien, an Australian journalist and television presenter, reminded me that spin is not limited to politics. Spin is also rampant in the pharmaceutical, tobacco, banking and telecommunications industries. Everyone that wants to come out winning and isn’t worried about integrity knows the value of media favor. Good press for you and bad press for your competitor is the kind of marketing money can’t buy. Or can it?
For all of the horrible things that have happened as a result of the Invasion of Iraq, I suppose there are a few positive things too. Not that the positive will ever outweigh the negative, but it is interesting to see how the country is changing and how some people are discovering their voices in "Post-war" Iraq. The following article, by Yochi Dreazen, is extremely interesting and makes me hopeful that the situation in Iraq isn´t completely hopeless.
Blogging is the internet’s greatest gift to free speech. However, as is the case with all free speech, there’s always someone watching to make sure you don’t get out of line, especially now with the Patriot Act.
According to a press release from August 1, 2005, the organization Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has finally gotten its hands on a 2003 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) internal survey.
An Article in "The Independant," a British publication, reported in July 2005 that men suffer most during a divorce. The man is the more likely of the pair to become stressed and depressed, while the woman is generally ready to move on and start from scratch. Women, the "weaker sex," tend to feel happier and liberated after a divorce, with 53% of recently divorced women reporting that they felt relieved, refreshed and renewed. Maybe that´s because marriages are so rarely 50/50. Even though equality of the sexes is slowly but surely making its way into the personal sphere, women are still the primary caregivers to both husband and children. Cooking, cleaning and raising the kids is still very much a woman´s job, and let´s face it, one less person to cook and clean for and support emotionally is always a relief.
Back in July, Japan made history with the first arrest relating to the importation of foreign girls and women for sexual exploitation. A 24 year old woman and a 65 year old man were arrested for pimping out a 13 year old Thai girl. The girl was sold to the two goons for $20,000 in a restaurant in a seedy Tokio neighborhood. Much like an indentured servant, her purchase incurred the girl a "debt" of $44,000 that she had to pay off by having sexual relations with over 200 men.
Bush is like a kid in a toy store. He still hasn´t given up on his "Star Wars" missile system, a project that was started ages ago and would cost tax payers billions. The Pentagon has already used tax-payer dollars to buy 30 "interceptor" missiles that don't work, dollars that would have been better spent on education or saving welfare and social security.
On June 20, 2005, Jalil Ahmed, 45, tied his wife and daughter to a wooden bed, doused them with kerosene and burned the women alive, after his brother told him that his daughter had been having sex with a neighbor in a nearby town.
Did you know that homosexuality is illegal in 60 countries?! Hmmm...I wonder if being born a female or a flipper baby is illegal anywere? Because, you see, to me it´s all the same. I think you´re born straight or you´re born gay, so penalizing a person for their sexual orientation is that same as penalizing them for their color or sex.