Skunk Update

For those of you who don´t get around to reading my blog very often (shame), you should check out these entries:
Skunkus Maximus (June 27th)
Cunning Like a Skunk (July 26th)
The Plame Game (July 26th)
And for those of you who want the concise, less educational version, here it is: Karl Rove is an ultra-conservative, reactionary skunk. His favorite pastime is saying jaw-droppingly offensive things about liberals and democrats, and he´s as spiteful as can be. So spiteful that he decided get back at former diplomat Joseph Wilson (for suggesting that the Bush administration lied in intelligence reports that led to the invasion of Iraq) by outing his wife, Valerie Plame, as an undercover CIA operative. A move that was both dangerous for Valerie and the United States, as she was assigned to cases dealing with weapons of mass destruction.
Since the outing in 2003, Rove has admitted to speaking with Matthew Cooper of Time Magazine, claiming that he only mentioned that "Wilson´s wife" worked for the CIA, but hadn´t revealed her name. Maybe I´m being silly here, but wouldn´t a simple search on the internet or at DC´s city hall provide Wilson´s wife´s name within a matter of minutes? I got news for you, Skunk-o, just because you didn´t say her name doesn´t mean you didn´t reveal her identity. You louse!
And knowing all of this, Bush still has the audacity to tell reporters, "Karl´s got my complete confidence. He´s a valuable member of my team."
Rove is currently being investigated, along with other Bush administration and CIA officials, by special prosecuter Patrick Fitzgerald. Chances are that Rove´s loose lips spilled the beans to more than one reporter.
In June of 2004, Bush said he would fire anyone involved in the leak, but judging by his recent statements, it doesn´t look like he´ll be making good on that promise.
And now events such as Bush´s Supreme Court nomination and the London and Egypt bombings are starting to overshadow the Plame-Rove debacle. Many politicians, journalists and even marketing experts are starting to claim that Bush announced his nomination of John Roberts (Another reactionary louse) to the Supreme Court earlier than originally planned in order to draw media attention away from Rove.
I´m happy to say that the Bush administration´s attempts have been fruitless. The media is still chipping away at Rove´s credibility, and a Pew Research Center Study has shown that half of Americans are still closely following the Rove case and that half of them think Rove should be fired. I happen to agree. So on behalf of those 50% of Americans and on behalf of Lady Justice, I will continue to report on every little thing that comes out about this big, fat, foul mouthed skunk.
Sources: "Bush resolute on Rove despite alleged role in leak," Associated Press, August 2, 2005.
"The White House: The tactics and politics of deflecting media attention," PRWeek, August 1, 2005.
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