If Only Bush Would Get Eaten By a Bear

Those of you familiar with George Bush´s environmental policy, the screw Kyoto and who gives a crap about the environment policy, probably know that he has been dying since the beginning of his presidency to allow oil drilling in northeastern Alaska´s National Arctic Refuge. Um, hello, dingbat, it´s called a "refuge" for a reason, so that you can´t let your Black Gold-Texas Tea cronies get their greasy little paws on it (no matter how many millions they donated to your re-"election" campaign).
Just last Tursday (07/28/05), the House of Representatives passed a new energy bill that just happened to sidestep the whole refuge issue, but House Republicans promised to persue it later on (greedy bastards).
In September, Congress is set to vote on the budget reconciliation bill, the piece of legislation that´ll decide the fate of this amazing land. So of course that means that it is time for any friend of the environment to send their representative and senators a little note demanding that they oppose any version of that bill that would open the Refuge to oil drilling and destruction.
The National Resources Defense Council has now launched an email picture-postcard campaign, where you choose the photograph of the refuge that you like the best to send to your respective politicians. It´s like a gentle way of saying, "See what you´re gonna f-up if you stick oil rigs in the background?" NRDC has four gorgeous photographs to choose from, the cutest being the big cuddlies that you see above. To pick a postcard just click Too Pretty To Make Ugly!
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