La Justa Pulp

From human rights to the environment to politics to daily news that´s just downright bizarre. Everything outrageous that´s fit to print is printed on La Justa Pulp.

Monday, May 15, 2006

All Hail the CEO

Everyone knows that CEOs have grossly inflated paychecks. Then, of course, are the company perks and the laundered money. And even after the ENRON scandle and Haliburton and Bechtel's greedy rape of Iraq and Cheney's million dollar payoffs, I've still heard lots of people try to excuse fat cat greed. "Well, they work really hard and deserve the money they get." "Their work is really stressful." "If the company goes belly up, they're the ones that are in trouble."
Hmmmm... let's all bow down to the hard working CEO then, shall we? Their jobs aren't nearly as tiring or stressful as those of teachers and construction workers and nurses and firemen. Now I understand why a CEO earns on average $5,430 an hour, while a hard-working janitor makes as little as $7 an hour. Or maybe I don't...

Visit the
Make Work Pay Web site and use their CEO salary calculator to find out how long it takes a CEO to earn your salary. It take a CEO 17 hours to earn what I make in a year. How about you?


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