I Scream You Scream

Oh, sooooo hung over. Headache won´t go away. This is what I get for partying on a Sunday. What would really help is a big, fat scoop of peanut butter chocolate ice cream and a nap. But I am at work and people in Spain don´t believe in peanut butter, so I´m a little screwed. But now that we´re on the subject of Spain and ice cream, let´s talk about the most tasty way to beat the summer heat.
Ice cream in Spain is fantastic, especially when it´s slathered all over a crepe stuffed with Nutella. Some of my favorite very Spanish flavors include leche merengada, rice pudding and hazelnut (how is a hazelnut that different from a peanut?). However, when it comes to ice cream, things have started getting a little funky.
There are 365 flavors of ice cream worldwide, with some of the strangest found in Japan, including fish, octopus, shrimp and eel. Yummy! However, it seems Spain is not to be outdone. Some of the more excentric ice cream shops in Madrid have included flavors such as paté, liver, tripe, sweet corn, mussels, thyme, goat cheese and tequila with lemon. And again I ask, what exactly do these people have against peanut butter?
Well, no matter what flavors they choose, one thing is for sure, Spaniards love their ice cream. Each Spaniard eats an average of 6 liters of ice cream a year, but interestingly enough, Scandanavians on average eat twice that amount.
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