Pombo = Scumbo

Why do the Republicans want to destroy the planet? I mean, these guys seem pretty hell bent on raping the Earth of her natural resources and killing everything on her in the process. Look at Congressman Richard Pombo (R-CA) and cronies. They´re drafting legislation that would weaken the Endangered Species Act.
What have the endangered species done to you, Rep. Pombo? Cause it´s pretty clear what you want to do to them:
For hundreds of species, including the bald eagle, the peregrine falcon, the gray wolf and the grizzly bear, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is working. It has increased their numbers or halted their spiral toward extinction by protecting habitat and energizing conservation efforts.
Yet, some in Congress continue to pound away at the ESA, attempting to weaken its provisions by drafting legislation that takes direct aim at the ESA with flawed analysis and exaggerated conclusions.
These efforts to "reform" the Act would not help species or offer new conservation incentives to landowners. Instead, new draft legislation would allow species to come off the endangered species list without having fully recovered.
We can improve the ESA without weakening its core protections by:
- Creating more incentives for landowners across the country to conserve species under the ESA.
– Providing states with the resources and flexibility to work with landowners to protect endangered species.
- Cutting red tape to help landowners help species more easily.
Source: www.environmentaldefense.org
Click on Scumbo´s name to let your your representative that you don´t like what Pombo is up to.
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