La Justa Pulp

From human rights to the environment to politics to daily news that´s just downright bizarre. Everything outrageous that´s fit to print is printed on La Justa Pulp.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The government is trying to destroy our oceans AGAIN

There is a proposal in Congress to allow seismic testing along our entire coastline to explore for oil and gas (Hmmmm...could that have anything to do with the Bush family´s financial and business interests. Haliburton, are you in on this?). Seismic blasts have a decibel level of 260 - that's more than twice as loud as an ambulance siren! Whales, dolphins and other marine mammals rely on their sense of hearing to navigate, to locate food and to communicate with each other. Exposure to this level of sound can cause deafening disorientation and can lead to permanent damage, brain hemorrhaging and even cause entire pods of whales and dolphins to beach.

The Senate will vote on this dangerous clause TODAY, so your help is urgently needed.

Write a letter at


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