La Justa Pulp

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

World´s Most Inane Study

Wheeling Jesuit University has completed a study that claims that different odors can effect how one drives. Smells were divided into two categories: Dangerous and Beneficial.
See how your favorite odors stacked up:

The smell of french fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, fast food in general (These smells can, according to the study, make drivers angry. Shoot, I´d be angry too if I was made to smell tastey, fatty foods while stuck in traffic unable to eat any of it. Drivers on a diet must be even more at risk of getting pissy.)
Chamomile (Aren´t these last three smells supposed to be soothing? That´s what the tea companies have been selling for ages.)
Bread (WHAT?! No way, that´s the best smell ever, but then again, I´m not on Atkins)
Precooked Foods
Farts (Particularly the silent but deadly kind)

Pine trees (The study shows that both strawberries and pine trees reduce aggresiveness - I guess that´s understandable. When was the last time a pine tree or a stawberry flipped you off when you drove by?)
Mint (Supposedly, it increases your ability to concentrate. Let´s start feeding it to kids with ADD.)
Other neutral smells (like farts)

Source: Qué! Madrid, Spain, 06/13/2005, Pg. 13


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