The State of Our Union

From human rights to the environment to politics to daily news that´s just downright bizarre. Everything outrageous that´s fit to print is printed on La Justa Pulp.
A September 30 Government Accountability Office report makes it clear that the Bush administration violated federal law by using taxpayer funds to create "covert propaganda." This is not the first time that the GAO found the administration in violation of the publicity and propaganda prohibition.
Previous GAO investigations found other instances where the White House broke federal law prohibiting the use of "fake news." A separate report by members of the House Committee on Government Reform found that the administration has set aside a quarter billion in taxpayer dollars for similar publicity campaigns.
And of course, the namby pamby Democrats aren´t going to do a damn thing about all of this, so it´s time that we did. I am amazed that Bush and cronies have done so many illegal things and they have yet to be ousted. This is just one more thing to tack onto the list.
Contact Congress and Attorney General Gonzales and tell them you want the White House to fully disclose all administration expenditures for publicity.
Sources: USA Today, Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law, updated 1/7/2006
Democrats in the Military