Truer Words

The reckless abuses of power undertaken by George Bush and his right-wing allies are a clear and present danger to the nation and must be stopped. The arrogance and incompetence of the Administration have made our country weaker, undermined our reputation in the world, made the war on terrorism harder to win, and divided our country like few other times in our history.
Every day I see fresh evidence of the Bush Administration's misguided leadership, deviousness, and incompetence:
- George Bush led us into war under false pretenses. Now, our courageous men and women in uniform continue to pay the ultimate price for his "shoot first" foreign policy.
- The Administration refuses to come clean on Iraq. Their claims of progress bear no relation to reality and are a disservice to our troops and our country.
- They're packing the federal courts with right-wing judges. And now they're refusing to supply key background information on their most important nominees.
- Tragically, their response to the massive human disaster caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita has been incredibly inept. It only serves to underscore the extreme poverty that grips our inner cities and our rural heartland.
Enough already!
(From a letter in which Senator Kennedy invites one and all to join the

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