An Exercise in Irony

This is surreal at best and completely disingenuous at worst. That´s not to say that I don´t think Bill Clinton isn´t genuinely concerned with the health of America´s youth, but is a guy that´s had quadruple coronary bypass surgery and a devout love of McDonalds the best spokesman for healthy living?
And who really believes that Nickelodian, a television station completely dedicated to round the clock children´s programing, really wants kids to get off that couch? They are one of the reasons so many children are glued to the TV in the first place. If all the little kids in America went outside and played after school instead of watching SpongeBob and Dora the Explorer, Nickelodian would be out of business.
Ah yes, I can imagine the public service announcements now: Hyperactive little SpongeBob Square Pants, who works at a fast food joint flipping burgers (does the irony ever end?), telling his five year old fans that they have to exercise and eat right...but only when he´s not on TV.
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