Democrats Ready to Bail...AGAIN?!

Everybody everywhere knows that none of the Bush elections were done fair and square. Bush didn´t win the 2000 election, he was appointed by the Supreme Court, and isn´t it just hardy-har-har funny that all the controversy in 2000 was in Florida, where Jeb Bush just happens to be Governor. But Bushites had to be a little less sloppy the second time around. Ohio, one of the primary battleground states with its people lined up for hours to vote (mostly black, democratic voting people) and rushed late night vote count, was the perfect spot to rig a few votes and break the Bush/Kerry tie.
Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, Dennis White, Ohio Democratic Party chair, said, "As Senator Kerry stated in his concession speech in Boston, we do notnecessarily expect the results of the election to change, however, webelieve it necessary to make sure everyone's vote is counted fairly andaccurately." Well, that´s very fine and upstanding of you, Dennis, but with all the muck-raking and manure flinging that the Republicans exhibited all year long, you need to tell it like it is. What Dennis should have had to gonads to say is "Look, Bush cheated the first time around, so lets make sure he didn´t do it this time." That´s not offensive, it´s the truth, and if it leaves a little sting on the cheeks of the Bush administration, well, that´s just an added bonus.
Kerry and Edwards need to realize that sometimes doing what´s right is a long, hard struggle, and even if the outcome we´re hoping for doesn´t arise, at least we showed that we´re not taking this "Bushit" anymore. It´s time somebody in the Democratic party start playing this game like they mean it. After all, it´s not like the Democrats don´t have any proof to back up their claims.
During the recount last December, the National Voting Rights Institute "documented extensive irregularities in the way county boards of election conducted the recount. This included evidence that the Triad corporation had tampered with voting machines prior to the start of the recount, as well as evidence the county election officials had directly violated rules and procedures so as to avoid a full hand count of the ballots."
According to Progressive Democrats of America this case could set "forth the constitutional standard for how recounts should be conducted in future federal elections," rules that we obviously need in the United States. So why should politicians back away from this very important case?
If you´d like to be proactive about this, you should probably contact Kerry and Edwards and tell them to hang in there. You can do so by clicking It´s Time to Grow a Pair. I´ve already written them and directed them to this blog entry.
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